Sunday, August 17, 2008

Michael Phelps said....

Michael Phelps proved that he's champian of all time by winning 8 gold medals out of which 7 were world records and one was olympic record in beijing olympics 2008 and also beaten Mark Spitz's record of 7 gold medals in a single event.

"So many people said it couldn't be done,All it takes is imagination. That's something I've learned".

"I've dreamed of a lot of things. I've written down a lot of goals. This was the biggest one. From here, I want to continue with my goal of raising the sport of swimming as high as it can get in the U.S."

"I think it really shows that no matter what you set your imagination to, anything can happen. If you dream as big as you can dream, anything is possible. I saw so many quotes saying it's impossible to duplicate it, it won't happen. It just shows you that anything can happen".

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Shahrukh Khan said...

Shahrukh khan sent an inspirational sms to his team kolkatta knight riders after a row of defeats in IPL.

“Story time boys... I told you if you keep losing you have to bear with my long, boring msgs.... This is your punishment.... Many times I have made movies which don’t do well.... When I’m doing them, of course, I don’t know they won’t do well.... The story is written by somebody else and I just do my bit as an actor. But I have a way of dealing with flop stories..., I try my best to keep my character in the film at a level that it makes a failed story also special for me"

"People like to hit you when u r down.... So, we will be hit.... No stress.... It will make us stronger.... The only way to avoid this is to win.... That’s one of the reasons why everybody likes to be a winner"

“I am as dedicated to my Knights as I am to my kids.... Only, I won’t be coming to the class room till the headmaster’s rules are understood by me.... I am a bit anti-Establishment kind of a guy, so I apologise for this quirk to u all"

“We have nothing to lose now, except our character.... Let’s not lose that.... Lov... SRK.”

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This post might be unusual for this blog but i have to do this post because i have been tagged by my friend so i have to madhichufy.

Last movie seen in a theatre:
Santhosh Subramaniam was the last worst movie that i have seen and also i reviewed this movie in my blog:-(. I was very much disappointed for spending Rs.120/- for this movie in Inox(Ellam thalai ezhuthu). Mr.Raja(director) and Jeyam Ravi eppa pa thirudhuvinga(feel like Major Sundarrajan).

What book are you reading?
If this question was in college question paper i would have easily skipped because i don't have answer but still it's a blog i would answer as "NO I HAVEN'T READ ANY BOOK" recently.

Favourite board game:
No favourite board game.

Favourite magazine:
Kumudham,Anandha vikadan,Kalki...:-)so on.Earliar days i used to read these books to make my tamil vocabulary and pronunciation perfect.
I like The Week and Outlook.

Favourite smells:
Smell of Hydrebad Briyani.
The smell of soil when it rains.

Favourite sound:
I am big fan of AR Rahman. I love his music. Apart from his music i like sounds of F1 cars on racetrack.

Worst feeling in the world:
-When someone wakes me up from sleep.
-Being Idle.

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
Devuda enna kappathu and i should start early to office.

Favourite fast food place:
Nothing specific but i like fast foods available in Nanganallur(place where i stay).

Future child’s name:
Secret...Any name.

Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…”
I would buy cars and bikes...i am crazy about cars and bikes.

Do you drive fast?
Yes i do drive fast especially at night time because i leave late from office so i rush to home for my dinner. But my inner mind keeps saying everyday "Magane koncham miss aachu unnakku sangu dhaan".

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

Storms - Cool or Scary?

Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
No no no.

If you could dye your hair any colour, what would be your choice?
First i make sure i have lot of hair(almost i guess i will become sottai when i am getting married). Second i would do coloring only when i get grey hair it's a best way to hide my grey hair.

Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in:
Agmark chennai paiyan.

Favourite sports to watch:

One nice thing about the person who sent this to you:
Iyyo Iyyo...:-)...comedy....Milan...really a best friend always with lots of humour .

Would you like to be born as yourself again? doubt.

Morning person or night owl?
Night owl.

Over easy or sunny side up?
Sunny side up.

Favourite place to relax:
My sweet home.

Favourite ice cream flavour:
I don't eat more ice creams because naekku chali piddikum.
If i have i like chocolate.

You pass this tag to:
I tag Raama and Abhishek and im sure these two people will never reply.May be sometime later they will do.

Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?
No one...:-)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Will Smith said....

"If it was something that I really committed myself to, I don't think there's
anything that could stop me becoming President of the United States."

On learning to swim: "I'm too big to have some woman hold my stomach and say 'Now kick your feet'."

Monday, March 26, 2007

Michael Jordan said....

" I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career"

" I've lost almost 300 games"

" Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take game-winning shot and missed"

" I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why i suceed"

Thursday, March 15, 2007

David Beckham Said....

Beckham bids farewell to Manchestor United fans

"The time I spent at this club was the best time in my whole football career"

"I’ve waited four years to actually come back and to actually say thank you to the fans and the people of the club"

"I think I wouldn’t have got through many things without the people in this stadium"

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

World Cup Special: Don Bradman said....

Legendry cricketer Don Bradman on Little Master

"I saw him playing on television and was struck by his technique, so I asked my wife to come look at him. Now I never saw myself play, but I feel that this player is playing much the same as I used to play, and she looked at him on Television and said yes".